Personal & Communal Growth
My Dear Beth Israel Family, Tonight our CBI Family will gather in Beth Israel, our spiritual Home, to mark the beginning of the New Year. During this sacred time, I hope each of you will join me on a journey of exploration, introspection, and transformation. This year in particular, through the themes of my drashot, […]
Temper Judgments with Empathy
To see Rabbi Cohen’s article on Parashat Shoftim published in the J Weekly, click here.
Mourning Without a Prayer
Expanding the Educational Leadership of our CBI Family
Gratitude and Farewell to the Rabinovich FamilyThis Shabbat our community will bid farewell to the Rabinovich Family. Over the past three years Elishav and Ma’ayan led our community in deepening our connection to one another, to Torah and Mitzvot, to Israel, and to the Holy One. During these very difficult and challenging times in Israel, our […]
Our Sons, Our Brothers, Our Family
This morning our hearts are broken as our people’s beloved sons, Eyal, Naftali, and Gilad are laid to rest. Like so many of you, for the past 18 days these boys have been in my heart, in my prayers and in my thoughts. Indeed, this very past Shabbat in shul, I urged all of us […]
Our Father Abraham Mourns in Heaven
On Sunday morning, we were deeply disturbed by news of the arrest of six Israeli Jews in connection with the brutal murder of 16 year old, Muhammad Abu Khdeir. Israeli leaders, both political and spiritual, along with major Jewish organizations, both religious and secular, have condemned this vicious act in no uncertain terms (below please […]
Summer Reading List
Sadly, this summer all of our rejoicings are deeply tinged by disturbing and heartbreaking events taking place in Israel. The biblical poet somberly cries, If I forget thee, oh Jerusalem! Certainly, this summer, wherever we may be, at work or on break, our hearts and minds must be intently focused on Jerusalem, on Zion, as […]